Publications in Scientific Journals (* = undergraduate student authors)
Schrøder, T.S.O., Gonçalves, F., Vollstädt, M.G.R., Zhang, T., Jensen, R.D., Tarazona-Tubens, F.L., Kim, S., Galetti, M., Simmons, B.I., Kaiser-Bunbury, C.N., Temeles, E.J. and B. Dalsgaard. 2024. Hurricane-induced pollinator shifts in a tightly coadapted plant–hummingbird mutualism. New Phytologist.
Temeles, E. J. and P. Pyle 2024. Purple-throated Carib (Eulampis jugularis), version 2.0. In Birds of the World (C. Pott, Z. E. A. Buckmire, and S. M. Billerman, Editors). Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, NY, USA. Retrieved from Birds of the World:
Maglianesi, M. A., Maruyama, P. K., Temeles, E. J., Schleuning, M., Zanata, T. B., Sazima, M., Gutiérrez-Zamora, A., Marín-Gómez, O. H., Rosero-Lasprilla, L., Ramírez-Burbano, M. B., Ruffini, A. E., Salamanca-Reyes, J. R., Sazima, I., Nuñez-Rosas, L. E., del Coro Arizmendi, M., Rahbek, C., & Dalsgaard, B. 2022. Behavioural and morphological traits influence sex-specific floral resource use by hummingbirds. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00, 1– 10.
Temeles, E. J. 2022. The effects of prey availability and capture success on the foraging and territory economics of a predatory bird, Circus hudsonius. Journal of Ornithology.
Temeles, E. J., *Liang, J., *Levy, M. C., Y-L Fan. 2019. Floral isolation and pollination in two hummingbird-pollinated plants: the roles of exploitation barriers and pollinator competition. Evolutionary Ecology 33:481-497.
Temeles, E. J. and G. A. Bishop*. 2019. A hurricane alters pollinator relationships and natural selection on an introduced island plant. Biotropica 51:129-138.
Temeles, E. J., *Mazzotta, A. R., A. Williamson. 2017. Resource partitioning by color in a tropical hummingbird. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 81:129.
Temeles, E. J., *Newman, J. T., *Newman, J. H., *Cho, S. Y., *Mazzotta, A. R., and W. J. Kress. 2016. Pollinator competition as a driver of floral divergence: an experimental test. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0146431.
Temeles, E. J., *Rah, Y. J., *Andicoechea, J., *Byanova, K. L., *Giller, Geoffrey S. J., *Stolk, S. B., and W. J. Kress. 2013. Pollinator-mediated selection in a specialized hummingbird-Heliconia system in the Eastern Caribbean. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26:347-356.
Gowda, V., Temeles, E. J., and W. J. Kress. 2012. Territory fidelity to nectar sources by Purple-throated Caribs, Eulampis jugularis. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:81-86.
Martén-Rodríguez, S., Kress, W. J., Temeles, E. J., and E. Mélendez-Ackerman. 2011. Plant-pollinator interactions and floral convergence in two species of Heliconia from the Caribbean islands. Oecologia 167:1075-1083.
Temeles, E. J., Miller, J. S., and J. L. Rifkin*. 2010. Evolution of sexual dimorphism in bill size and shape of hermit hummingbirds (Phaethornithinae): a role for ecological causation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365:1053-1063.
Temeles, E. J. and W. J. Kress. 2010. Mate choice and mate competition by a tropical hummingbird at a floral resource. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 277:1607-1613.
Temeles, E. J., Koulouris*, C. R., Sander*, S .E., and W. J. Kress. 2009. Effect of flower shape and size on foraging performance and trade-offs in a tropical hummingbird. Ecology 90:1147-1161.
Temeles, E. J., Shaw*, K. C., Kudla*, A. U., and S. E. Sander*. 2006. Traplining by purple-throated carib hummingbirds: behavioral responses to competition and nectar availability. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology61:163-172.
Temeles, E. J., Goldman*, R. S., and A. U. Kudla*. 2005. Foraging and territory economics of sexually-dimorphic Purple-throated Caribs, Eulampis jugularis, at three heliconias. Auk 122:187-204.
Temeles, E. J., Muir*, A. B., Slutsky*, E. B., and M. N. Vitousek*. 2004. Effect of food reductions on territorial behavior of Purple-throated Caribs, Eulampis jugularis. Condor 106:691-695.
Temeles, E. J. and W. J. Kress. 2003. Adaptation in a plant-hummingbird association. Science 300:630-633.
Travers, S. E., Temeles, E. J., and I. L. Pan*. 2003. The relationship between nectar spur curvature in jewelweed (Impatiens capensis) and pollen removal by hummingbird pollinators. Canadian Journal of Botany 81:164-170.
Temeles, E. J., and I. L. Pan*. 2002. Effect of nectar robbery on phase duration, nectar volume, and pollination in a protandrous plant. International Journal of Plant Sciences 163:803-808.
Temeles, E. J., Linhart, Y. B., Masonjones, M., and H. D. Masonjones. 2002. The role of flower width in hummingbird bill length – flower length relationships. Biotropica 34:68-80.
Temeles, E. J. and A. G. Rankin*. 2000. Effect of the lower lip of Monarda didyma on pollen removal by hummingbirds. Canadian Journal of Botany 78:1164-1168.
Temeles, E. J., Pan*, I. L., Brennan*, J. L., and J. N. Horwitt*. 2000. Evidence for ecological causation of sexual dimorphism in a hummingbird. Science 289:441-443.
Smith*, C. E., Stevens*, J. T., Temeles, E. J., Ewald, P. W., Hebert, R. J., and R. L. Bonkovsky*. 1996. Effect of floral orifice width and shape on hummingbird-flower interactions. Oecologia 106:482-492.
Temeles, E. J. 1996. A new dimension to hummingbird – flower relationships. Oecologia 105:517-523.
Hurlbert*, A. H., Hosoi*, S. A., Temeles, E. J., and P. W. Ewald. 1996. Mobility of Impatiens capensis flowers: effect on pollen deposition and hummingbird foraging. Oecologia 105:243-246.
Temeles, E. J. 1994. The role of neighbours in territorial systems: when are they “dear enemies”? Animal Behaviour 47:339-350.
Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., Temeles, E. J., Russell, R. W., and D. C. Paton. 1993. Exploitative compensation by subordinate age-sex classes of migrant rufous hummingbirds. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 33:305-312.
Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., Russell, R. W., Paton, D. C., and E. J. Temeles. 1993. Interference asymmetries among age-sex classes of migrant rufous hummingbirds on refuelling stopovers. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 33:297-304.
Temeles, E. J. and W. M. Roberts*. 1993. Effect of sexual dimorphism in bill length on foraging behavior: an experimental analysis of hummingbirds. Oecologia 94:87-94.
Grant, V., and E. J. Temeles. 1992. Foraging ability of rufous hummingbirds on hummingbird flowers and hawkmoth flowers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 89:9400-9404.
Temeles, E. J. and T. I. Wellicome*. 1992. Weather-dependent kleptoparasitism and aggression in a raptor guild. Auk 109:920-923.
Carpenter, F. L., Hixon, M. A., Paton, D. C., Temeles, E. J., and R. W. Russell. 1991. Sexual differences in resource acquisition by migrant hummingbirds. Acta XX Congressus Internationalis Ornithologici 2:1156-1165.
Temeles, E. J. 1990. Interspecific territoriality of northern harriers: the role of kleptoparasitism. Animal Behaviour 40:361-366.
Temeles, E. J. 1990. Northern harriers on feeding territories respond more aggressively to neighbors than to floaters. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 26:57-63.
Temeles, E. J. 1989. Effect of prey consumption on foraging activity of northern harriers. Auk 106:353-357.
Hedrick, A. V. and E. J. Temeles. 1989. The evolution of sexual dimorphism in animals: hypotheses and tests. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 4:136-138.
Temeles, E. J. 1989. The effect of prey consumption on territorial defense by harriers: differential responses to neighbors versus floaters. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 24:239-243.
Temeles, E. J. 1987. The relative importance of prey availability and intruder pressure in feeding territory size regulation by harriers, Circus cyaneus. Oecologia 74:286-297.
Temeles, E. J. 1986. Reversed sexual size dimorphism: effect on resource defense and foraging behaviors of nonbreeding northern harriers. Auk 103:70-78.
Temeles, E. J. 1985. Sexual size dimorphism of bird-eating hawks: the effect of prey vulnerability. American Naturalist 125:485-499.
Publications in Popular Magazines
Temeles, E. J. 2015. Bathing beauty. Natural History Magazine 123(4):48.
Temeles, E. J. 2015. Say it with flowers. The Hummingbird Connection 11(1):9-11.
Temeles, E. J. 2002. All the right curves. Natural History Magazine 111(9):52-56.
Temeles, E. J. and P. W. Ewald. 1999. Fitting the bill? Natural History Magazine 108(5):52-55.
Book Reviews
Temeles, E. J. 2006. The geographic mosaic of coevolution. Book Review. Auk 123:605-607.